ORIGINE : Pays-Bas
Circle round the room; couples in a ballroom hold facing the centre.
1. Take 4 side steps into the middle of the circle and hop on the front foot.
2. Take 4 side steps out again and hop on the back foot.
3. Open up into a shoulder waist hold facing anticlockwise round the circle.
4. Starting on the right foot walk forward for 3 steps and then hop.
5. Walk backwards for 3 steps then hop.
6. Walk forward for 3 steps and then hop.
7. Walk forward for 3 steps and then hop.
8. Repeat part 4 - 7.
9. Start the dance again.
- In 2 3 4 hop Back 2 3 4 hop
- Open up
- Forward 2 3 hop Back 2 3 hop Forward 2 3 hop Forward 2 3 hop
- Forward 2 3 hop Back 2 3 hop Forward 2 3 hop Forward 2 3 hop
- Start the dance again

Source : Folk Dancing for Fun